
Recovering from Pneumonia with SMA: How Diaphragmatic Breathing and Abdominal Strengthening Aides Recovery

 According to the article “Spinal Muscular Atrophy1,” “with SMA the spared diaphragm, combined with weakened intercostal muscles, results in paradoxical breathing. Also with the involvement of bulbar motor neurons often tongue fasciculation, poor suck and swallow with increasing swallowing and feeding difficulty overtime.” A cause of death could be…

The Common Cold, Antibiotics and SMA

Our experience with SMA is a unique one. As parents of a 9 year-old with SMA, being medical professionals has given us somewhat of an advantage over finding doctors, medications, and treatments for our son. We hope to share a little of our experience and opinion with you. For most…

What Are Common Respiratory Problems in Children With SMA?

It’s known that children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) have a number of breathing issues, which are caused by weakened chest muscles. According to the SMA Foundation, these are the most common respiratory problems for children with SMA. Lung underdevelopment Usually, children’s lungs grow and develop over time. However, children with SMA have weak intercostal muscles that aren’t strong enough to help with…