Physical Therapists News

PT Combination of Activities and Techniques For Patients With SMA

There are many different modalities and activities that have been successful in progressing Michael, our patient with SMA, towards reaching his goals of less pain during activities as well as increased independence. Over the past four years, we have attempted many different techniques with Michael and have noted the ones…

Using Cupping During Physical Therapy For Patients With SMA

Recently, Michael, our patient with SMA, has exhibited some increased tenderness and reduced tissue mobility to his calf muscles bilaterally. This is no surprise since he doesn’t wear footrests and is constantly in a plantarflexed, or toe-down position. In this position, his calf muscles are constantly in a shortened…

Positive Updates Regarding Physical Therapy For SMA Patients

As mentioned in our previous article, Michael, our patient with SMA, had been suffering from tailbone pain that was subsided by a modified stuck drawer technique to his sacrum. We had initially intended on performing this every other week, but since Michael has been having no complaints of pain, we…

Improvements in Range of Motion with Physical Therapy

A frequent complaint and limitation for patients that have been diagnosed with SMA is lack of flexibility throughout their body. Contractures, or shortening of muscles leading to deformity of joints, can occur secondary to lack of ability to perform active range of motion and being in a seated position for…

Frequent Kidney Stone in Inactive SMA Patients

Individuals that are sedentary, like my patient Michael, are more prone to having kidney stones secondary to too little activity as well as possible reduced fluid intake due to other restrictions, such as reduced upper extremity strength and ability to self-nourish. In the past 20 years, Michael has undergone surgery…

Seated Balance Exercises For SMA Patients

Throughout Michael’s physical therapy treatments, there have been several progressions of seated balance activities that we have worked on as he has demonstrated improved abilities to perform these activities. When we were first able to transfer Michael to the therapy table, all that was performed in a seated position was…

SMA Patients May Have Difficulties Laying on Their Stomachs

When patients are limited in their range of motion, this can lead to an inability to tolerate certain positions. For example, Michael, who has been diagnosed from an early age with SMA, is severely lacking hip and knee extension, making it hard for him to assume a prone position. This…

The Dangers of Pressure Ulcers For SMA Patients

People with SMA spend most of their time sitting in a wheelchair. Because of this, they are at an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. This is due to the increased time spent with weight-bearing through a specific area, usually, a bony prominence, such as the “sit bones,” although they…