
Treatment Is Key for All With SMA, But Gains Will Differ

[Editor’s Note: This is part of a series of articles into the discovery and development of Evrysdi — SMA’s newly approved disease-modifying therapy and its first oral and at-home one — as well as the scope of SMA issues and treatments. Here, experts discuss what patients might…

Evrysdi for SMA Under Accelerated Review in Europe

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted and is now reviewing Roche’s marketing authorization application (MAA) requesting approval of Evrysdi (risdiplam) for treating spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Given that Evrysdi previously received the EMA’s priority medicines designation for SMA, enabling accelerated assessment of its application, a decision may be…

SMA Debate: Might Systemic Treatment Be Best?

[Editor’s Note:  This is part of a series of articles about the discovery and development of Evrysdi — the newly approved disease-modifying therapy for spinal muscular atrophy and the first oral, at-home one — as well as the scope of SMA issues and treatments. Here, we talk…