Physical Therapists News

Reducing edema prior to range of motion activities

A common complaint SMA patients have is that their feet swell due to a lack of circulation, as well as being seated in a wheelchair most of the day. In this position, gravity allows for the pooling of fluid in the feet. Since there isn’t much, if any,…

Needling and Cupping in Neck and Upper Trapezius for SMA Patients

Previously, we have performed cupping and dry needling on different parts of Michael’s body to help with several ailments throughout his time in physical therapy. Recently, cupping has helped reduce pain and increase the range of motion in his cervical spine, or neck. Michael reported after cupping…

Improving Scar Tissue Mobility For My Patient With SMA

As previously mentioned in one of my recent articles entitled “Post-Surgery Care for SMA Patients Taking Physical Therapy,” Michael, my patient with SMA, recently went through an elective surgery to have a subcutaneous port implanted in his chest, to reduce difficulty receiving medications through intravenous lines. With this surgery,…

Post Surgery Care for SMA Patients Taking Physical Therapy

Michael, my physical therapy patient with SMA, recently decided to have a subcutaneous port voluntarily implanted in his chest. As SMA patients age, and due to their disease, these patients may spend more time in the hospital than most, especially around the flu and pneumonia seasons. Due to having difficulty…

Open Communications During PT With Your SMA Patients

The relationship between a physical therapist and patient is very important for many reasons and should be an open, honest, and trusting relationship. This is especially important when you are working with someone with SMA, or another neurological disorder, who you will most likely be seeing long-term. It is important…

Future PT Options For My Patient with SMA

Since beginning Michael’s physical therapy in October 2017, we have been focusing on improving flexibility and increasing stability in his core musculature. This has greatly improved Michael’s ability to ascend and descend ramps with improved stability and has reduced his pain while sitting throughout the day in his wheelchair. Also,…

PT Combination of Activities and Techniques For Patients With SMA

There are many different modalities and activities that have been successful in progressing Michael, our patient with SMA, towards reaching his goals of less pain during activities as well as increased independence. Over the past four years, we have attempted many different techniques with Michael and have noted the ones…