
The Dangers of Pressure Ulcers For SMA Patients

People with SMA spend most of their time sitting in a wheelchair. Because of this, they are at an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. This is due to the increased time spent with weight-bearing through a specific area, usually, a bony prominence, such as the “sit bones,” although they…

New Institute Aims to Leave No Rare Disease Patient Behind

A newly launched non-profit institute is seeking to advance research, and the development of new therapies, for people with rare diseases — a patient community with some of the largest therapeutic needs, but one that is often left behind. Named the Institute for Life Changing Medicines, the project was…

Group Focuses on Rare Disease Clinical Trial Participation

Participation in clinical trials exposes rare disease patients to financial, physical, and emotional pressures, according to the results of a patient focus group series. “Rare disease trial participants are running an endurance race they are highly motivated to complete, but these incremental burdens negatively impact their ability or willingness to…

SMA Caused by Mutation in ASAH1 Gene Reported in Romania

The first-ever case of someone in Romania with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) caused by a mutation in the ASAH1 gene was described in a recent report. The study, “Clinical features and genetics in non-5q spinal muscular atrophy caused by acid ceramidase deficiency,” was published in the …