Author Archives: Halsey Blocher

Putting a Different Twist on Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Meals are being planned, and turkeys are being purchased. The delicious smells and flavors of pumpkin and cinnamon will be consumed in many homes. And, my favorite part, thankfulness abounds: Family, good health, the food on the table, and financial stability are commonly counted…

My Life Uniquely Allows Me to Be Naturally Empathetic

I’ve been told many times by many people that I should be a counselor. It’s not unusual for my friends, family members, and co-workers to turn to me for wise advice, calm reassurances, or simply a listening ear. I don’t always know the right advice to give, but I…

Challenges Won’t Stand in the Way of Fashion

It’s no secret that I love fashion. One glance into my generously filled closet confirms this. But as is the case with many things, SMA requires that I take a creative approach to style. Today, I thought I’d share some ways in which I navigate the challenges I have…

Your Scars Tell a Story of Survival and Strength

I’ve collected a variety of scars throughout my life. Many people with SMA have comparable ones from similar surgeries. Even if you don’t have SMA, I’m guessing you also have at least one or two scars of your own. Each of my scars tells its own story of a…

A Drive-in Concert Was a New and Exciting Experience

Because of the current state of the world, I felt safe in assuming I wouldn’t be attending any concerts this summer. I love concerts, but large, tightly packed crowds aren’t safe right now. However, I forgot to account for how creative people can be. On Independence Day, my family…