
I’m Learning to Balance Rest and Productivity

I’m a productivity geek. I’m not content with simply doing things. I want to do them well. And I want to do as much as I possibly can in the time I have left. Productivity has served me well. Over the years, productivity has gotten me a bachelor’s degree…

The Papa Tomato

Our family has some generous gardening friends. One such friend keeps us spoiled with her garden goodies regularly. She has delivered to our porch zucchini, beans, lettuce, garlic, and fresh eggs. Oh, and tomatoes. *** Our baby Jeffrey’s routine…

Social Distancing at Grandma and Grandpa’s

The day boasted a brilliant sun. The warm winds blew through the trees and white, fluffy clouds adorned the sky. We packed up our car, loaded our two dogs, Ginny and Radcliffe, into the van, and headed out. We were on our way to Grandma and Grandpa’s…

Your Scars Tell a Story of Survival and Strength

I’ve collected a variety of scars throughout my life. Many people with SMA have comparable ones from similar surgeries. Even if you don’t have SMA, I’m guessing you also have at least one or two scars of your own. Each of my scars tells its own story of a…

What Working at BioNews Has Taught Me

This is going to be a tough truth to admit, mostly because I’m still a little embarrassed by it all these years later. But, here we go. When I was originally offered this role as a columnist for BioNews — the company that publishes this website — I…