
The Crackling Intimacy of an Autumn Campfire

Come, sit beside me at my campfire.  How about some apple cider or hot cocoa on this crisp autumn night? It’ll warm your bones. Help yourself to a s’more. I haven’t yet figured out a pumpkin spice recipe, but my maple version is some kind of dynamite. Would…

Treasuring the Little Things

My 3-year-old niece Lily sat next to me, absorbed in the pages of her “Frozen” coloring book. On my right, my dad also was busy coloring an elaborate picture for her and her baby brother. Back when Lily was born, my parents…

Doggone It, I Deserve It!

Every once in a while, I get the urge to go to the hospital. I’m not sick. I’m not concerned for my health. But there’s something about hospital stays that, when the stars align, can be incredibly restorative. I recognize this is my privilege talking. For many marginalized folks,…

Small Joys Are Bigger Than They Appear

“So, what’s your silver lining?” a friend asked me one night in late spring. My parents and I had recently decided to go forth and allow outdoor visits again, as long as our guests followed social distancing and mask-wearing rules. He was the first visitor I had in months.

A Nurse, or 3, Named Mary

My teaching career started at Brockman School in Columbia, South Carolina. Nestled in the corner of a quiet neighborhood resembling a forest, Brockman was a self-contained school for children ages 3-21 with orthopedic and multiple handicapping conditions. My assignment was the kindergarten class.

Ella Discovers the Joy of Reading Books

Our daughter Ella is in fifth grade, learning remotely. Every day, she logs into her Zoom classroom and takes on the day’s lessons. She is dedicated to her education and enjoys her classmates, albeit online. When she has breaks during her studies, Ella…

Shine Meditations Are Helping Me Build Somatic Awareness

I’m a big fan of mindfulness. In theory, at least. Mindfulness is associated with all sorts of benefits: greater tolerance, focus, and self-acceptance, decreased reactivity, an understanding of negative, self-sabotaging behavior patterns, and the ability to stay present, among others. It’s kind of a no-brainer. But mindfulness —…

What Home Schooling Was Like for Me

I was a sophomore in high school when my parents and I agreed to home-school me during the winter months. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, but a necessary one nevertheless. In January of that year, I had been hospitalized with double pneumonia for the first…