Author Archives: Sherry Toh

Saying goodbye to my great-uncle Richard, an ‘Old Hero’

Content warning: This column deals with the topics of death and suicidal ideation.  “The first dead body you see should not be someone you love,” advises funeral director Poppy Mardall in journalist Hayley Campbell’s 2022 book “All the Living and the Dead.” Campbell’s book provides remarkable insight…

How SMA helps me understand my bisexuality, and vice versa

“People think bisexuals stereotypically can’t decide on which gender we want to have sex with, when the truth is, we can’t decide on anything,” someone in a group chat once joked. I laughed far longer than perhaps was appropriate, nodding along at the truth of the statement, at least…

Why we should listen to SMA patients about Evrysdi

Note: This column describes the author’s own experiences with Evrysdi (risdiplam). Not everyone will have the same response to treatment. Consult your doctor before starting or stopping a therapy. “The drug likely won’t be effective on you. You’re in your 20s, and you’ve deteriorated to the point where…

A tribute to my SMA sister and hero, Brianna Albers

For the past two years, my best friend and fellow columnist, Brianna Albers, and I held a tradition of collaborating with each other for SMA Awareness Month. We’ve written companion columns about the pros and cons of our respective countries (she lives in the U.S., while…

Lessons from a newish makeup fan with SMA

Makeup and I have had an on-again, off-again relationship over the years. We were introduced when I was a kid. Though I don’t remember much of my childhood because of relational and medical trauma, I do vividly remember my mum taking me to buy lip gloss when we were…

A call to show up for those who are queer and disabled

Last year, I had the incredible privilege of interviewing Corinne Busche, the current game director for Dragon Age’s fourth entry, “Dragon Age: Dreadwolf.” Busche is someone in the video games industry I’ve come to greatly admire for her kindness toward fans of the franchise and her enthusiasm about…