Author Archives: Kevin Schaefer

‘Ordinary Joe’ Is Anything but Ordinary

When we think about key moments in our lives, such as weddings and graduations, most of us have a tendency to wonder how things might have turned out differently. We’ll wonder what might have happened if we’d chosen a different career path, pursued a certain relationship, or moved to…

Embracing a New Chapter in Life With SMA

The worst part about long-running sitcoms is when they hit so close to real life. This is especially true when everyone’s favorite characters leave. Think about when Michael left “The Office,” or when Chris and Ann left the town of Pawnee in “Parks and Recreation.” These moments…

Milestones Are Different With SMA

I woke up to a Facebook notification inviting me to a group for my high school reunion. It dawned on me that next year will mark a decade since I graduated. Factor in a pandemic, and it feels more like several decades since I crossed the stage in June…

SMA Pride and Disability Language

I was wrapping up a week of vacation when I came upon a flood of posts on my Instagram feed about “SMA Pride Month.” Though August is traditionally recognized as SMA Awareness Month, a group of SMA activists and influencers feel it’s important to rebrand the name. By calling…

Making Churches More Accessible

“LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!” An usher exclaimed these words at the top of his lungs in the church auditorium while putting his hand on my shoulder. To say this experience was patronizing would be an understatement, but it did provide the catalyst for the perfect rebuttal.

Staying on Top of Everything, or Just Getting By

One of my favorite films is “Rushmore,” a coming-of-age comedy from one of cinema’s most imaginative directors, Wes Anderson. “Rushmore” tells the story of quirky teenager Max Fischer, an ambitious playwright who prioritizes everything but his academics. He joins…