Author Archives: Ari Anderson

Embracing the Coexistence of Joy and Sorrow

While reflecting on my life today, a witty phrase popped into my head. I laughed to myself as I thought, “I don’t have to go looking for trouble, trouble will find me.” As I’ve said before, if I didn’t have a sense of humor about some things, I…

Embracing the Coexistence of Joy and Sorrow

While reflecting on my life today, a witty phrase popped into my head. I laughed to myself as I thought, “I don’t have to go looking for trouble, trouble will find me.” As I’ve said before, if I didn’t have a sense of humor about some things, I…

Advocacy Starts With Being Kind to Yourself

Today, I thought about the question, “How can I become a better advocate?” For the first time, I realized that I’d taken part in advocacy activities even when I didn’t know it. This is how it happened. I like to buy and download turn-based PC games. In these,…

Advocacy Starts With Being Kind to Yourself

Today, I thought about the question, “How can I become a better advocate?” For the first time, I realized that I’d taken part in advocacy activities even when I didn’t know it. This is how it happened. I like to buy and download turn-based PC games. In these,…

My Beautiful Journey Toward Personal Growth

Today I want to talk more about my outlook on life, as well as yours. Hopefully, nobody who regularly reads what I write ever comes away thinking that I have it all together. I will be working on my outlook and personal growth until the day I die. I…

Am I in Control, or Is My Chair?

Years before the pandemic, I was visiting a museum in Washington, D.C. A young child looked at me and my high-tech wheelchair. He then asked my mom, “Is he real?” I have to think from his perspective. We were at a technologically advanced museum. He probably thought that…